11 февраля 2025
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Louis Dreyfus

Louis Dreyfus was founded in 1851 and actively participated in the development of grain trading. The Group has since expanded its expertise to a wide variety of commodities and participates in various diversified businesses.



The Group trades and markets commodities such as grains, oilseeds, rice, sugar, ethanol, coffee and cotton on an international basis. Its involvement in commodities includes processing of citrus fruits, oilseeds and sugar cane. The Group has become active in the biofuels industry. The Group also trades ocean freight, metals and financial instruments.


Diversified Activities

Renewable and Biomass Energy
The Group invests in well located forests to be used as platforms for production of a carbon-neutral energy supply, fuelled sustainably by the forests' biomass, solar, geothermal and wind resources. Electricity from this embedded generation will be distributed to proximate consumers over local networks. The Group will build in its forests commercial and residential carbon-neutral developments that will be supplied with indigenously produced heat and power.